Sonic in Execution is a new take on Sonic.exe, following the cast as they deal with a strange force possessing the lovable blue hedgehog after he makes one wrong move.

The game is played with the WASD keys. Anything else important is said in game. Fullscreen mode tends to be laggy unless you have a powerful computer.

I'm not very good at making games so feedback is greatly appreciated!

All downloads are older versions.


Sonic in Execution demo_v1.1.html 26 MB
Sonic in Execution demo_v1.0.html 27 MB

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i dident expect that but its really great good job

Thanks!! One of these days I'll get around to the rest of the game :D

i cant wait

(Sorry! I am spanish and I will translate poorly)
I liked the game! Your channel got recommended to me in youtube and I came here to see what have you done
You made a platform system that was responsive and cool (tails even could fly!) I would have love you to have taken profit of, like making a mini level for the two characters. 

The way you introduced the mechanics in the spin dash zone was pretty amazing! But on first view it was pretty confusing, I couldn't move and I thought the controls were broken, you should add visual response for the player like changing the palette for a moment. The cinematics were cool but very slow. Don't make the player wait more than 60 seconds without nothing moving or changing on screen only to show an end screen. The sprites were cool, and the music was the most polished thing of the game.

Have a beautiful day!

Thank you! I'll be trying to take this into consideration! :)

pretty cool i guess, i rate it 3 pixels out of 2 ropes

heya! ----- here from teh pokepasta and kirby rp discords ^.^

honestly i've never really played any sonic.exe fangames so it's not a genre i'm familiar with, but i am interested in seeing where this goes anyway :3 teh original music is nice, i like the it!

the demo's a little short for me to provide much in the way of useful feedback, i think, but i'll try to provide some anyway:

- spritework is somewhat incongrous - most isn't shaded and uses plain flats, but then some of it is. plus, while most things have simple black lineart, some things such as the mountainous background is lineless. not everything seems to have pixels sized the same, either - which admittedly, not all games do, but it always looks strange to me XP. also the proportions on the actual character sprites seem a little off and inconsistent.

i'd try to give more spritework critique but sprites have always been something i struggle with, so i'm not the most reliable source, i don't think XD

- while i'm on the note of scenery, though, the stairs to the little houses look like they're either layered wrong or placed too high/low. standing in the middle-front of the stair?

- some sort of visual indication of progress during the falling "survive" segment might be nice (maybe the background changing over time? of course there's also the basic "just put a progress bar in there" option too but that might be too intrusive, idk)

- aaaand lastly, i don't know how much traditional platforming you plan to have in the final or if the on-foot stuff is just going to be for cutscene purposes, but something i did notice about the brief on-foot segments: the turning feels wrong. the platforming feels Very floaty and ice physics-y right now by sonic standards.

if you get moving just slightly and then try to turn around immediately, you enter the skid animation and have to briefly slide to a stop even if you were barely even moving. even worse is if you build up speed first and THEN try to turn around - you slowly skid (backwards?!) to a stop for what can be a whole second or two! comparing against the genesis or advance games (fastest thing i could emulate to experiment with lol), where if you're going max acceleration on flat ground and then hit the opposite direction, it takes a few very brief miliseconds to skid to a dead stop and then turn around and get going again. the demo's strange turning seems to be an issue in mid-air too, to the point that turning in midair triggers the skid animation.

now, none of this actually matters if you're only gonna use sonic-style controls for interactive cutscenes, but if you DO plan to put more platform-y stuff in there then the perpetual ice physics are gonna HURT XP

OH GOD this comment got too long i hope this is okay. and i wish yuo luck with this!